Взрыв на рынке фейерверков в Мексике убил десятки людей: подробности, фото и видео

3B8CA97E00000578 4053294 image a 23 1482287890756В сети появились первые фото и видео взрыва фейерверков, который случился на ярмарке в Мексике. В результате ЧП погиб 31 человек.

Как стало известно, еще около 70 получили ранения – их состояние крайне тяжелое, у многих людей обожжено до 90% тела. О произошедшем сообщило издание Daily Mail.

Firefighters and rescue workers walked through the scorched ground after the blast tore through San Pablito Market Tuesday
Residents combed through the ashes and the rubble after an explosion ripped through the open-air fireworks market
Footage shows a huge plume of smoke billowing in the sky while fireworks keep going off (pictured)
Firefighters and rescue workers removed debris from the scorched ground. The market had 300 stalls before the blast
San Pablito Market was reduced to smithereens by the explosion. It has official permission to sell pyrotechnic articles
The explosion could be seen from miles away. Clouds of white smoke can be seen rising above Tultepec in the aftermath
San Pablito Market, which is officially authorized to sell fireworks, was reduced to little more than scorched earth by the blast
Rescuers responded to the site of the conflagration, searching through the piles of debris left throughout the market site
The market's stalls were reduced to charred remains and little of the original structures was left after the explosion Tuesday
Rescuers carried severely burned victims out of the smoldering ruins of the fireworks market following the blast on Tuesday
Relatives knelt down in distress next to the body of one of the victims who died in the tragic conflagration Tuesday
One of the victims who died in the explosion was seen lying on the ground as relatives gathered around the body
The scene was one of utter destruction as policemen walked through the scorched ground of the San Pablito market
Firefighters were seen putting out smoldering embers amid the debris. The flames were contained in the evening
This aerial shot shows clouds of white smoke rising above the grounds of San Pablito Market in the aftermath of the explosion

На момент инцидента на ярмарке находилось около двух тысяч человек.

Взрыв разрушил несколько сотен киосков.

Источник: Обозреватель

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